Tuesday, 5 November 2024



I remember the days after college when all I wanted was to be with friends. Back then I didn't realize when you share room with your friends they don't remain just friends. They become your roommates.

People you love to spend a few hours with, on weekends might not be people you enjoy seeing 24/7.Trust me guys it is same as your girlfriend becoming your wife. A total different scenario.

As the saying goes "The grass on the other side of the hill is always greener." 
As roomies friends behave totally different, they behave sometimes even as siblings, can't believe we fight over silly things like who's gonna do dishes, who will clean the room, laundry, cooking etc...And trust me guys even eggs are on the list. Which adds to the whole lots of experience which comes under being the roommates....

It just blows me off when they show don't care attitude. On the contrary when they do something kind to me, my heart gets overwhelmed. Even we fight and abuse one other a lot, but when they are out of town I feel bad. I feel something is missing out in my life. 

 What you know folks its all worth it as we never realized back then "We were making memories...What we just knew was, we were having fun."

Yes you heard me right all fights, sober nights, night outs, parties, backbite turned out to be a good lesson just to make me "somebody else who makes everybody feel like a somebody. "

I would like to thank my good and worst roommates , who had taught me the lesson of lifetime that is to enjoy little things. Thank you.

Do share your  opinion ....

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  1. Yes really wonderful words about .. roommate's life.. 😍😍

  2. Ya i miss those days with frnds... They are the sweet moments of my life... Just recall n re-live.

    1. Thank you.. Annd yes its a wonderful life wirh roommates


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