Tuesday, 5 November 2024

" Boys Are Not Always Wrong "

ads The fault is not always from the boy's side.

Feminism is not keeping women over man# its treating both of them equal.

Latest but sad trend.

You are just a fake allegation away from loosing your career , social life and reputation 

what I feel, not every man who is nice to girl is flirting with her, some mothers raised their sons to be gentleman.

Kindly understand that gender equality is a human issue. What if someone loose their life basically everything because of one fake allegation.. who will be responsible for all of these?

society needs to understand that boys are not always wrong. People need to know there are always two sides to every story. Both the parties should get equal chance to explain their side and keep their points .

The said situation may not be ultimate in every case.

In our society we are taught to respect women no matter what they do, whether we feel they deserve it or not.
So women take it as a liability and impose all their faults to masculine gender.

Our media represents female as a Centre of social discriminations(which may be true in many case but not in every case). 

Women rights are given for protection and these days women are using it as a shield to escape or victimize men by playing victim card #Fakefeminism.

society laughs on a man when he says he has been raped. society thinks that only men are doing a crime like rape and they don’t get that even women can rape a man. This is soo bad.

Its high time we should oppose the usage of negative statements like "Men will be Men"

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